H&H Foods

Welcome to Oats Bites

Oats-Bites are Healthy Hygienic Yummy

Why OatsBites By H&H Foods?​

We strongly believe that when it's about your Hygiene, you MUST know what you're consuming.

Other Brands



15% to 25%

Cashew or other nuts


2% to 4%

Refined wheat flour


35% to 40%




Artificial flavor






Palm oil / Vegetable oil



Unsalted butter



Oats-Bites are full of energy protein

home-baked fresh daily

Cashwew Nuts

These Cashew Nuts Cookies are a healthy, gluten-free and vegan dessert that is rich in protein.

HandH Foods is a company that produces healthy snacks. They are all gluten-free, vegan and most importantly, delicious. The company’s products come in three flavors: Coffee Walnut Cookies, Cashew Nuts Cookies and Chocolate Cookies.

"Opening the door upon arriving home from school to the heavenly aroma of freshly baked cookies leaves an indelible print in one’s mind.”

Jean Pare.

Why you should choose OatsBites by H&H Foods?

Here are so details of ingredients used in our cookies.

Amount of Oats used in OatsBites.

We at H&H Food use 50% Oats in our products. Oats are among the healthiest grains on earth. They're a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Studies show that oats and oatmeal have many health benefits. These include weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and a reduced risk of heart disease.

Rich amount of Cashew and other Healthy Nuts in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods can proudly say that our products are full of healthy Cashew and other nuts. Research suggests that eating nuts may reduce inflammation and promote healthy aging. In a study on the Mediterranean diet, people whose diets were supplemented with nuts experienced a 35% and 90% decrease in the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin 6 (IL-6), respectively ().

Lowest amount of Refined Wheat Flour used in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods, use < 10% of refined wheat flour in our products. It causes an acid-alkaline imbalance. As a result, your body has trouble maintaining normal levels of calcium, compromising your bone health.

Healthy amount of Sugar used in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods, use a healthy amount of sugar in our products in which will never harm you in any way. Do you know, sugar is Excellent Calories Source, sugar is Excellent Energy Source, sugar to Store Energy, sugar is Solution to Instant Mood Booster.

We NEVER use Artificial Flavors in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods, NEVER use any artificial flavors in our products. Our products have natural taste of the ingredients.

We DON'T use Palm Oil / Vegetable Oil in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods, DON'T use Palm / Vegetable Oil. Palm oil is a tropical oil that originates from the fruit of palm trees. This type of oil is rich in unhealthy saturated fats that can affect your cholesterol levels. Palm oil is a common ingredient in margarine and processed foods.

We use ONLY Unsalted Butter in OatsBites.

We at H&H Foods, use ONLY unsalted butter. Unsalted butter is an excellent source of vital trace nutrients such as chromium, copper, iodine, manganese, and zinc. It is comparatively good for health then normal salted butter.

OatsBites are 100% Preservatives Free.

We at H&H Foods, DON'T use preservatives in our products. Preservatives can cause problem within young children like hyperactive behaviour. This problem is also measured by parental and objective reporting.

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